What would you like to make?

Community Health Intervention Proposal


The purpose of this assignment is to develop students’ ability to create innovative community health interventions. Students will use higher-order critical thinking skills to design a proposal that addresses a specific public health issue within a community.


  1. Identify a Public Health Issue
    • Choose a public health issue affecting a specific community. Possible issues include obesity, diabetes, substance abuse, mental health, or infectious diseases.
  2. Research and Community Assessment
    • Conduct thorough research on the chosen public health issue. Use at least five credible sources, including academic journals, government reports, and community health surveys.
    • Perform a community assessment to understand the demographics, cultural factors, and existing resources related to the issue.
  3. Design the Intervention
    • Create a detailed proposal for a community health intervention that addresses the identified issue. The proposal should include:
      • A description of the intervention, including objectives, target population, and activities.
      • A rationale for the intervention, supported by research and community assessment findings.
      • A plan for implementation, including timeline, resources needed, and key stakeholders.
      • Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the intervention.
  4. Group Presentation
    • Work in groups to present your intervention proposal. Each group will prepare a 10-minute presentation summarizing the key points of their proposal.
    • Engage in a question-and-answer session with the class to receive feedback and discuss potential improvements.
  5. Submission
    • Submit your written proposal as a Word or PDF file through the Canvas assignment submission portal.
    • Ensure your proposal follows the proper formatting guidelines: double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, and APA citation style.

Grading Criteria

  • Research and Community Assessment (25%)
    • Depth and relevance of research.
    • Comprehensive community assessment.
  • Intervention Design (40%)
    • Clarity and feasibility of the intervention plan.
    • Strength of the rationale and supporting evidence.
    • Detailed implementation and evaluation plan.
  • Presentation (20%)
    • Quality of the group presentation.
    • Engagement in the question-and-answer session.
  • Writing Quality (15%)
    • Organization and structure of t